You can add email addresses to your Jimdo account in case you need other addresses to use for password recovery or your contact form.
Add and confirm your email addresses
- Log in to your Jimdo account
- Go to the top banner
- Click on the Account icon
in the right corner
- Select the Email tab
- Add the email address into the empty field and click on Add new email
- Check the inbox of your email address for the email containing the confirmation link
Requesting a new confirmation link
You can request a new confirmation email at any time. Here’s how to do it:
- Log in to your Jimdo account
- Go to the top banner
- Click on the Account icon
in the right corner
- Select the Email tab
- Click on the red exclamation mark next to your email address and then choose Send again
- Check the inbox of your email address and click on the confirmation link in the email